Propane in Nebraska (NE)

Propane in Nebraska (NE)

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Propane users in Nebraska (NE) will find the statistics below useful in their quest for the best propane solution for their home. However, they should remember that these are averages and do not necessarily represent specific situations. Only quotes do. Still: use them as guidance as they will help!

Nebraska (NE) enjoys comparatively low propane prices

Unfortunately, the United States Energy Information Administration does not provide a lot of pricing and usage data on propane in Nebraska (NE). However, from average prices it is clear that Nebraska is one of the cheapest States in the US for propane prices per gallon. Over the last winter season (2012-2013) propane prices were almost half as much in Nebraska ($1.345/gallon on average) as in the United States as a whole ($2.436/gallon).




Average propane price (2012-2013 winter season)



Propane usage per household (gallons)



Propane spending per household (dollars)



Propane spending per household on heating (dollars)



Electricity usage per household (kWh)



Electricity spending per household (dollars)



Electricity spending per household on heating (dollars)



Natural gas usage per household (thousand cubic feet)



Natural gas spending per household (dollars)



Natural gas spending per household on heating (dollars)



Average energy spending per household (dollars)



Average energy spending per household on heating (dollars)



Propane and energy statistics, 2009 figures / Source: US Energy Information Administration

Propane prices depend on a variety of factors, including usage (the more propane is used, the lower the price is likely to be), weather patterns and climate (hotter climates warrant lower propane prices and conversely), proximity to a major propane supply source (such as the Midwest or the Gulf Coast, for example), etc. Given how different each home is, it is recommended that, using average trends, you request quotes from propane companies in your area to get an accurate price for your specific situation.

Few propane companies in Nebraska (NE)

Surprisingly few propane companies operate in Nebraska (NE). Of course, all three national propane companies have outlets in the Cornhusker State (Amerigas, Ferrellgas and Suburban Propane). People in Nebraska looking for propane dealers will also find Lakes Gas Co. and Lee's Propane. Furthermore, local cooperatives also exist in Nebraska. Most propane outlets are concentrated near Lincoln and the western part of Nebraska has few propane outlets.

This makes it all the more important, when looking for the right propane deal, to list the companies operating within a reasonable distance from your home in Nebraska (NE). It would be unfortunate to run out of propane and have to wait for a long time before an emergency delivery can arrive because of the distance between your home and your propane company. Once you have established which propane companies are around near you in Nebraska, make a list of what you will need from them (tanks, maintenance, pricing options, budget plans, etc.) and request quotes that you can later compare before making the right choice of propane dealer.

The Nebraska (NE) propane industry and main regulations

The Nebraska (NE) propane industry falls under the Nebraska Statutes, Chapter 57, Minerals, Oils and Gas. Nebraska propane dealers are represented by membership through the Nebraska Propane Gas Association, based in Lincoln. Like most state propane gas associations, the Nebraska PGA is responsible for lobbying, training, communications, networking and outreach activities on behalf of propane dealers in Nebraska. This is of considerable importance in terms of safety since the Nebraska PGA administers the Certified Employee Training Program.