Propane in Iowa (IA)

Propane in Iowa (IA)

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This page should help you find the right propane deal for your home in Iowa (IA), through the data and advice therein. It is not certain that all these numbers apply specifically to your situation, however. But based on the information on here you should be able to better analyze what propane companies offer in the quotes you have requested.

Propane usage and spending in Iowa (IA)

The United States Energy Information Administration estimates that Iowans use almost twice as much propane (867 gallons per year on average) as the average American (464 gallons per year on average). This means average total propane spending in Iowa is higher ($1,424 per year) than in the country as a whole ($973), in part because propane is a popular source of energy for homes in the Hawkeye State. As a Midwest state, Iowa (IA) propane prices are also cheaper than average since it is close to one of the main propane supply sources (see price section below).




Average propane price (2012-2013 winter season)



Propane usage per household (gallons)



Propane spending per household (dollars)



Propane spending per household on heating (dollars)



Electricity usage per household (kWh)



Electricity spending per household (dollars)



Electricity spending per household on heating (dollars)



Natural gas usage per household (thousand cubic feet)



Natural gas spending per household (dollars)



Natural gas spending per household on heating (dollars)



Average energy spending per household (dollars)



Average energy spending per household on heating (dollars)



Propane and energy statistics, 2009 figures / Source: US Energy Information Administration

Propane prices in Iowa (IA)

Iowans enjoy one of the cheapest average propane prices in the United States. Just short of $1.40 dollars per gallon on average over the 2012-2013 heating season, this is far below the national average of 2.436 per gallon. This makes propane a relatively cheap source of energy in Iowa (IA) – which explains its popularity.

This average price is indicative and to have an idea of the prices you might pay, you should request quotes from different propane dealers and compare them. The graph below, depicting propane price trends in Iowa over the 2012-2013 winter months, should be of assistance in this regard.

Propane companies operating in Iowa (IA)

Since propane is a popular source of energy for Iowan homes, there are plenty of propane companies in Iowa. Amerigas, Suburban Propane and Ferrellgas all have outlets, as do Cenex, MFA Oil, Lakes Gas Co., Matheson Gas, and various local companies and cooperatives.

When choosing your propane company, start by establishing what products you might need (services, pricing options, budget solutions, maintenance, appliances, for example). This should help you request detailed quotes from dealers in your area. In turn, this will assist you in deciding which Iowa (IA) propane deal is the right one for your specific situation.

The propane industry and relevant propane regulations in Iowa (IA)

The Iowa Propane Gas Association is responsible for organizing networking events and lobbying government for, and providing advice and safety training to, members of the Iowa (IA) LP gas industry. The Iowa Propane Education & Research Council sets up the Certified Employee Training Program, for example.

Iowa propane industry activity falls under the Iowa Code, Title 22, Article 11, Chapter 15 on Combustible and flammable liquids and liquefied gases and the Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 226 on Liquefied petroleum gas.