Propane in New Hampshire (NH)

Propane in New Hampshire (NH)

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This page on propane in New Hampshire is designed to help current and potential LP gas users better understand how to find the best propane deal. The official statistics contained herein do not represent individual scenarios, however. It is strongly advisable to base your decision on detailed quotes from propane companies to compare the offers that can apply to your specific situation.

Propane usage and spending

New Hampshire residents using propane consume 318 gallons of gas every year on average, according to the US Energy Information Administration. The EIA goes on to indicate that average propane spending is $916 per year and propane spending on heating stands at an average of $1,182 per year.

As you will see from the table below, statistics for propane users in New Hampshire are higher than national averages. This is because the winter is colder in New Hampshire than in other parts of the United States. Also, New Hampshire is relatively far from the US’s two major propane supply sources – the Midwest and the Gulf Coast. This all ends up increasing propane prices and, consequently, propane spending.


New Hampshire


Average propane price (2012-2013 winter season)



Propane usage per household (gallons)



Propane spending per household (dollars)



Propane spending per household on heating (dollars)



Electricity usage per household (kWh)



Electricity spending per household (dollars)



Electricity spending per household on heating (dollars)



Natural gas usage per household (thousand cubic feet)



Natural gas spending per househoold (dollars)



Natural gas spending per household on heating (dollars)



Average energy spending per household (dollars)



Average energy spending per household on heating (dollars)



Propane and energy statistics, 2009 figures / Source: US Energy Information Administration

Propane prices

Propane price in New Hampshire averaged $3.16 per gallon over the 2012-2013 heating season. This is considerably higher than the national average, which the Energy Information Administration places at $2.436 over the same period.

The reason for this is as explained above: colder climates and distance from a major supply source tends to push propane prices upwards. The graph below, which illustrates New Hampshire propane price trends, should help you check whether prices proposed by different companies respect these trends as you request quotes from them.

Propane companies

Of the three countrywide propane companies, both Amerigas and Suburban Propane have outlets in New Hampshire, and Ferrellgas’ outlet in New York (NY) services New Hampshire. There are also smaller propane companies in this state, such as Eastern Propane, Ciardelli Fuel Company, Fuel Services, among others. You may also have smaller, local companies or cooperatives close by.

Finding the right propane deal should start by making a list of propane companies in your area. Before requesting detailed quotes from each company, consider what products you will need in terms of propane, pricing, budget planning, propane tanks, maintenance, etc. It is by comparing these quotes that you will have a good idea of which offer best suits your needs.

The propane industry and regulations

The New Hampshire propane industry finds a common voice in the Propane Gas Association of New England, which is their advocate when it comes to government or legislative affairs. More importantly, it offers training programs to employees of the propane industry, which is crucial in terms of safety (e.g., PERC CETP). The industry’s activities are framed by the New Hampshire Revised Statutes, Title 31, Article 339: Sales of certain articles.